Can We Find Compassion for Even The Worst Behavior – In Them & In Us?


The ability to respond with forgiveness and understanding in a world that is teaching us to fight and condemn feels Divine. In this essay, I reflect on what it means to me to become better than my own history of trauma in order to heal myself and the world around me.

Can We Find Compassion for Even The Worst Behavior – In Them & In Us?2022-04-10T12:59:00-07:00

How to Have the Best 2-Minute Make Out Ever


This practice is totally about making out, but about so much more, too.  It’s about allowing yourself to be in full pleasure with what is, rather than finding what’s missing and focusing on what isn’t.  Be warned, this is an advanced practice.  And the more vulnerable you feel, the harder it will be. It can also multiple the happiness quotient in your relationship by one hundred-fold. I’m excited to show you how.

How to Have the Best 2-Minute Make Out Ever2022-02-21T21:15:52-07:00

Episode 57 – How to Have the Best 2-Minute Make Out Ever


You can spend your life focusing on what you don't want and criticizing the people who want to help you. Or you can get oh-so-turned on about the best two minutes of your life.  You decide.  1:40 The negativity bias saves us time and again 3:00 But it un...

Episode 57 – How to Have the Best 2-Minute Make Out Ever2022-02-21T21:15:29-07:00

Healing Your Desire So That You Can Ask for What You Want


I’m going to begin by stating the obvious.  In order to ask for it – whatever “it” is - you have to have some clue about what you want.  For example, when placing an order at a restaurant, you are expected to specify, “I would like beef curry, spice level 3 with a side of brown rice”. If you don’t know what you want, when the waiter shows up at your table, you’re going to have a very tough time getting fed that evening.

Healing Your Desire So That You Can Ask for What You Want2022-02-14T22:59:15-07:00

Episode 56 – Healing Your Desire SoThat You Can Ask for What You Want


Without knowing what you want, you will have a very hard time getting it. In this episode, I explore how to clear the channel between you and the voice of what you want so that you can hear the animal of your desire. 1:05 In order to ask for it, you have...

Episode 56 – Healing Your Desire SoThat You Can Ask for What You Want2022-02-14T23:00:38-07:00

What Happened When Some Guy Recently Tried to Flirt With Me


It’s exceedingly rare these days that I get hit on. Between infrequently leaving the house, a steady decline in my hygiene since 2020 and the fact that I broadcast “happily married” in my every step, I’ve almost forgotten what it feels like. So yesterday afternoon when the guy in the co-op parking lot started flirting with me, it was like a lost art waking from a winter slumber.

What Happened When Some Guy Recently Tried to Flirt With Me2022-02-13T21:33:43-07:00

2022 Intimacy Salons with Dr. Jessica Tartaro


A once a month night of adult discussion, candid sharing, meaningful connection and live intimacy coaching for anyone looking for real talk about what makes relationships thrive beginning February 16th, 2022, and going through January 18th, 2023.

2022 Intimacy Salons with Dr. Jessica Tartaro2022-05-10T20:29:34-07:00
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