Togetherness & Touch: A Couples Communication & Massage Workshop with Dr. Jessica Tartaro and James Van Wert


Join Jessica & James for a nourishing and playful celebration of partnership on Saturday, October 8th from 1-5pm. The first half will focus on communication tools for growing feelings of compassion, desire, playfulness and trust, led by Jessica. The second half will include a hands-on introduction to non-sexual partner massage for greater relaxation and body connection, led by James. All couples welcome!

Togetherness & Touch: A Couples Communication & Massage Workshop with Dr. Jessica Tartaro and James Van Wert2022-09-06T11:04:39-07:00

SpeakUP Fall Series: Deepening Our Connections


After a successful summer series - and based on feedback from nearly 30 community participants - I will be offering a twice a month, in person, Fall SpeakUP series starting September 1st and running through November 17th.  I hope you will join us!

SpeakUP Fall Series: Deepening Our Connections2022-08-10T14:22:57-07:00

Getting Real Together Part 1 of 3: A Live Intimacy Laboratory


In Season 3 of the 2022 Intimacy Salons, we will be focusing on applying the tools and skills we have been learning all year in our relationships with one another. Rather than a slide show being the focus, this season, your own heart and relational process will be the teacher.

Getting Real Together Part 1 of 3: A Live Intimacy Laboratory2022-08-28T22:03:06-07:00
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