It may be timeless, but the traditional advice, “Don’t let the sun go down on your anger” may not fit the modern relationship.
0:57 I am willing to contradict the Bible to find what works for the modern relationship
2:20 Late at night, the gargoyles come out.
2:48 When the sun rises, I have more access to my forgiveness.
3:05 Sleep is a winning factor when it comes to love.
4:42 When did you stop dancing? Singing? Being enchanted by stories? Finding comfort in the sweet territory of silence?
5:20 During sleep, we are doing important emotional metabolizing.
6:05 My husband’s insight (he can’t sleep when he’s angry)
6:51 The compromise (use this script)
7:43 The quality of our relationships with others will flow from the quality of our relationship with ourselves.
7:55 This week’s practice
Resources: Read about cultural anthropologist Angeles Arrien and her inspiring publications here:
Podcast produced by Sal DeRosalia
Music composed and performed by Aimee Mia Kelley
Photo by Jordan Wozniak on Unsplash
Contact Information
Dr. Jessica Tartaro
Intimacy Coach & Connection Facilitator
Pronouns “She” + “Her”
Telephone: 1 (480) 993-5562
“Contact me to schedule an initial, complimentary consultation – called an Exploratory – to explore the fit for coaching together.”
Looking for tools you can immediately apply to improve your relationships? Tune into weekly installments of “Under 10: A Mini Intimacy Podcast with Dr. Jessica Tartaro“.