Fear has divided so many of our communities. Are you willing to try to connect through the differences?  It’s not an easy task. In this episode, I offer initial steps for connecting through conflict.

01:16 Where I live, there is fear in the air.

2:14 Conflict has become normalized.

2:54 Growing up I learned conflict was explosive and scary

3:11 A lack of examples of conflict that can connect us

3:23 Body noticing – what happens when you encounter disagreement?

3:51 The importance of a grounded nervous system

4:24 Views versus value

5:16 Disagreement becomes a doorway and an opportunity

6:08 The willingness to try imperfectly and tenaciously

6:54 Keep the focus on the other person

7:43 The superpower that trumps all other superpowers

8:18 My qualifiers

9:26 This week’s homework

Resources: Consider watching this 3-part Instagram series on settling your nervous system to support you to communicate across difference.  Video #1 on Rhythm. Video #2 on Grounding. Video #3 on Relationships. Additionally, here’s a short YouTube video on depolarizing which includes more tools for turning conflict into connection.

Podcast produced by Sal DeRosalia

Music composed and performed by Mia Kelley

Photo by jean wimmerlin on Unsplash