Shame keeps us small, cut off from our instincts and separate. In this episode, I teach you a practice for taking your power back from shame as well as helping others do the same.
1:42 Definition of shame from Dr. Brene Brown
2:33 Get curious about your own relationship to shame.
3:20 No one is unlovable – but we can forget.
3:38 Shame is like a sludge that clogs our capacity to feel our instincts.
4:20 We have choice about the experience.
4:32 Shame needs these three things to grow.
5:29 A story about a friend and the chance I had to feed or neutralize her shame
7:07 Shame loses when we do these two things.
7:35 We have power to help others gain control over their shame.
8:56 This week’s homework.
Listening to Shame 2013 TedEx talk by Brene Brown: And her website:
Podcast produced by Sal DeRosalia
Music composed and performed by Aimee Mia Kelley
Photo by Jason Rosewell on Unsplash
Contact Information
Dr. Jessica Tartaro
Intimacy Coach & Connection Facilitator
Pronouns “She” + “Her”
Telephone: 1 (480) 993-5562
“Contact me to schedule an initial, complimentary consultation – called an Exploratory – to explore the fit for coaching together.”
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