Though it may seem simple, opening with gratitude when what you want in love touches you can shake you to your core. In this episode, I explain why and offer you practices for growing this capacity. Transcript for this episode is available here.
1:21 Caveat: you may not like this story
1:40 Something very delicious in my life
2:33 What do you notice?
2:52 The first principle – the ability to joy in another’s joy
3:50 Can you tap some of this as if it was yours?
4:00 It will take training to stop contracting at others’ happiness.
4:50 Finding by Brene Brown about gratitude and joy
5:22 What are my options for responding to his love?
6:07 To pause in the face of beauty and say, I will let you touch me
6:45 This is why genuine, embodied gratitude can be so hard
7:41 Gratitude is a verb.
7:55 This week’s homework.
9:29 Gratitude can help us heal.
Resources: The famous orgasm diner scene from When Harry Met Sally is always worth a watch: Read more about Brene’s Brown’s finding that gratitude invites more joy at:
Podcast produced by Sal DeRosalia
Music composed and performed by Aimee Mia Kelley
Photo by ABDALLA M on Unsplash
Contact Information
Dr. Jessica Tartaro
Intimacy Coach & Connection Facilitator
Pronouns “She” + “Her”
Telephone: 1 (480) 993-5562
“Contact me to schedule an initial, complimentary consultation – called an Exploratory – to explore the fit for coaching together.”
Looking for tools you can immediately apply to improve your relationships? Tune into weekly installments of “Under 10: A Mini Intimacy Podcast with Dr. Jessica Tartaro“.
[…] This blog is the transcript of Episode #59 of “Under 10: A Mini Podcast on Intimacy”. Listen along here. […]