In episode number 6, I introduce “inner parts work” and talk about saying “hi” to your critic. Try it out. You may just find that when you acknowledge your critic in a welcoming, friendly way, you create more room inside to let others in too.
1:40 The “outer” work of intimacy depends on the “inside work” of connection with ourselves
2:25 Introduction to working with parts
3:35 Health is the integration of all the parts
4:32 Can you hear your critic?
5:57 My critic is a tight-bun-wearing-academic who roars!
7:10 Live demo: I say hi to my inner critic (a first step)
9:17 If it’s not a fun party for me inside, I’m not going to invite you!
9:30 The voice of the inner critic will block you from loving me
9:52 Even a little softening makes room for others to get in
9:59 You can try this with kids too!
Podcast produced by Sal DeRosalia
Music composed and performed by Aimee Mia Kelley
Photo by Igor Miske
Contact Information
Dr. Jessica Tartaro
Intimacy Coach & Connection Facilitator
Pronouns “She” + “Her”
Telephone: 1 (480) 993-5562
“Contact me to schedule an initial, complimentary consultation – called an Exploratory – to explore the fit for coaching together.”
Looking for tools you can immediately apply to improve your relationships? Tune into weekly installments of “Under 10: A Mini Intimacy Podcast with Dr. Jessica Tartaro“.