On August 17th, I am launching the first meeting of the final Intimacy Salon season of the year – and YOU are invited!
In previous salons, we have focused on learning how to ask for what we want (Season 1) as well as how to claim and honor boundaries (Season 2).
In Season 3, we will be focusing on applying the tools and skills we have been learning all year — in our relationships with one another.
And that’s the cool thing about making intimacy a practice. The space between any two or more people is the playground for growth and learning, as long as everyone brings the intention to let our relationships themselves be our guide.
– A supported space to explore asking for what you need in real time
– Opportunities to engage boundary setting and be celebrated for doing so
– A focus on trust building in a facilitated container
– The invitation to tailor the experience to work on the areas of relating that may be most challenging for you
In previous salons and more in keeping with the traditional salon format, I have given a short lecture on a particular theme that we have explored as a group.
Rather than a slide show being the focus, this season, your own heart and relational process will be the teacher.
This is a once a month event, August through October. The next two dates are:
—> October 19th
The cost for one session is $39. The cost for all three is $99. Venmo “Jessica-Tartaro”.
– You feel capable of stretching beyond your comfort zone to come more alive
– You have some basic familiarity with authentic relating, circling or a similar, relational modality (not essential but helpful)
– You can commit to at least two of the three sessions
In between meetings, you will be assigned a “buddy” from the group with whom to do the take home practices. With practice, what may have seemed out of reach in relating can become more and more possible.
Email DrTartaro@gmail.com and I can help you decide if this event is right for you!
Send $39 for a drop in (specify for which date) or $99 for the season via Venmo to “Jessica-Tartaro”. Be sure to put “Intimacy Salon” in the memo line.
I hope you will join us for this three-part, “Intimacy Laboratory”, to grow your ability to connect with others and allow others to connect with you.