Next SpeakUP will be on saying “I’m sorry”.
We will all mess up, hurt people we love and say things we didn’t mean. It’s how we clean it up that will determine the depth and integrity of our relationships.
Saying “I’m sorry” may be simple, but it is far from easy. And it’s very easy to fall short in our apologies and make things worse rather than better.
Delivering a heartfelt apology asks a great amount of presence and willingness to feel how intimately we are each connected and how much we impact one another.
Join us Wednesday, March 24th, starting at 6:30pm PST to practice the “I’m sorry” so that we might bring more capacity to heal and grow to all our relationships.
Consider listening to this podcast before we meet, an interview and training with author Harriet Lerner on her new book, “Why Won’t You Apologize: Healing Big Betrayals and Everyday Hurts”:…/harriet-lerner-and-brene…/…
Photo by Henrikke Due on Unsplash
The suggested donation is $15 for this 2-hour experience. BIPOC are invited to come free of charge. No one turned away for lack of funds. Please contact me directly to make payment arrangements.
Venmo Jessica at “Jessica-Tartaro”
No previous experience needed.
Newcomers and old comers welcome!
Zoom Info:
Please plan to join the call 5 minutes early so we can begin games at 6:30pm PT.
Please plan to join the call 5 minutes early so we can begin games at 6:30pm PT.
Click here to join:……
Meeting ID: 865 1504 3573
Passcode: speakup
Passcode: speakup
Note: As this is an interactive night of games, if you would like to attend we ask that you have your video on and are willing to introduce yourself at the start of the night.