Fighting the feeling of time always running out takes discipline and is necessary to truly live. In this episode, I teach you about the “vertical” axis of time and how to make moments count.
1:48 Busy is not a feeling
2:07 A lack of presence will be reflected back to us in our relationships
2:48 What makes the difference between time that zips by and time that feels eternal?
3:09 The horizontal versus the vertical axis of time
4:18 Speed up to slow down
4:39 It’s quality of attention and sensory engagement that makes time deep
5:35 Busyness can leave gnawing loneliness in its wake
5:50 My friend’s experience with death is teaching me about life
6:54 Here’s what I did at last Friday’s dinner to shift my family’s relationship to time
8:45 Four options for this week’s homework
Podcast produced by Sal DeRosalia
Music composed and performed by Aimee Mia Kelley
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash